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The world's only
AI Sound Matching

We enable music creators to instantly find loops and sounds that fit perfectly into their creations – let your music find what’s best.

The Jamahook music AI finds rhythmically and harmonically suitable music components for each musical segment in real time - a recommendation machine for loops and beats as a massive time saver and an incredible source of inspiration.


Stop Searching.
Start Creating.

Break the endless grind of searching and auditioning loops for your music. Let the Jamahook Plugin do the work for you.

Let it listen

Feed the plugin with your audio from the master output.​

Let it match

Let the algorithm analyze your music to find the best matches.

Jam away!

Audition the matches and drag out your favorites.


Pick the perfect plan for owning your favorite loops

The Jamahook plugin is completely free! 

A subscription is required for you to legally own loops and sounds for commercial use.


"Jamahook is the first choice for me whenever I have a writer's block or need to find the best suitable sounds for my projects."
Producer, Germany


It's easy to reach us.

Use the floating    button on the bottom right to leave us a message and we will get back to you in the shortest time possible.